In the past month you may have noticed I am posting from a
webpage called Autistic Adventures located at This is my webpage. What I have not come out directly and said is
that both of my children have ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). The first diagnosis was five years ago. As a parent of children on the spectrum, I so
desperately want them to be viewed as children first. I think all parents want that as well. I don’t dwell on the diagnosis. I encourage them, just as all parents do, to
do their best and have dreams of achievement.
I don’t speak of diagnosis in their presence. I don’t want them to feel limited. My goal is just like all other parents. I want the best for them. I want them to succeed.
Because I realized that so many of us, parents of children
on the spectrum, feel the same way about letting our children be children
first, I started writing about our adventures and accomplishments. Many parents just starting on this adventure
do not realize all the resources and simple things they can do to help their
children succeed. My webpage and the ebooks I have written are
designed to encourage parents and give information that can help them procure
the best for their children. I
appreciate all of you sharing my page and ebooks in an effort to help
others. Jake and Phoebe are children first and I encourage
them to Be Courageous!
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