Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Scouting's Benefits

Scouting benefits all children.  It teaches them how to be good citizens, respect others, and what it means to be an American, just to name a few.  It's an incentive program that encourages children to participate and to be a brother or sister to all.  Activities range from basic self help skill mastery to simply trying new things.  This is even more beneficial to the child with ASD (Austism Spectrum Disorder)....  Continue reading at

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


...when the child holds that award signifying they were the best of the best or met with a challenge and conquered it, the child feels like...  Continue reading at

Monday, April 27, 2015

IEP Season

IEP season is upon us!  Make sure to contact your local Autism Society for an advocate or parent mentor.  Why?  Three classes, six teachers, resourced out, while blended into related arts with typically developing children is quite the strain on a six-year old.  Yet, this has been my...

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

"It's Poot!"

The frustration of not being able to put into words their thoughts can be quite the blow out from time to time.  Tantrums resulting in crying, lock down, throwing shoes,...

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Without My Permission

"The rubber band hurt my legs, Mommy.  My teacher did it."  My heart raced and tears filled my eyes.  I knew there was more to this story than he could tell me.

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Learn more about Children on the Spectrum and Public Schools...

Monday, April 20, 2015

Adventuring's Benefits

The child that has seen the ocean is much more likely to understand its vastness.  The child that has seen the mountains understands the depths of the valley.  It’s so different to have had the experience as opposed to...

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Say, "Yes!"

Moms are super busy.  Lists on lists run through our brains and across our desks.  We get so caught up in the "running" of life, but in the autistic world, taking time to say, "yes" is so important.  The littlest yes can...

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

When things get Froggy

It’s amazing to see children on the spectrum that are able to enjoy a school dance.  Light and sound are variables that can truly rock a child with ASD to the core.  To see a child overcome this is awesome!  Seeing the meltdown because things get froggy can be a bit much.  We have to remember it’s common for children with ASD to also have sensory disorder.  Sensory disorder causes them to be hyper sensitive and the meltdown is your clue to change venues.  They are not ready, yet. 

Read how to help them achieve this readiness at

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sleepless Nights!

It’s fairly common that children on the spectrum have sleeplessness nights.  They then fall asleep an hour before time to wake up.  Oh the frustration!  You’ve been awake all night begging them to sleep.  They’ve been awake all night fighting sleep.  Just in time for the alarm to go off, they fall asleep.

STOP!  Do Not Give Them Melatonin!
Continue reading at to find out why...

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Clip Down

Picture One of the most frustrating aspects of our children attending school can be that they lack the capability of explaining what has happened during the school day.  “Mommy I had to move my clip down.”  What does that mean?  The best we can figure is that today must have been a difficult day at school because they can not... continue reading at

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Controlled Choices

A controlled choice allows your child to make decisions.  Decisions that you have already decided are acceptable!  All children like to feel like they have some control in their world.  Respecting a person’s autonomy or freedom to make choices for themselves is extremely important.

We want to help our children develop decision making skills on a level that is challenging, yet within their developmental range without help.  This range between...

Continue reading about controlled choices, autonomy, ZPD, IEPs, and autism at at .

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Being Courageous

In the past month you may have noticed I am posting from a webpage called Autistic Adventures located at  This is my webpage.  What I have not come out directly and said is that both of my children have ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder).  The first diagnosis was five years ago.  As a parent of children on the spectrum, I so desperately want them to be viewed as children first.  I think all parents want that as well.  I don’t dwell on the diagnosis.  I encourage them, just as all parents do, to do their best and have dreams of achievement.  I don’t speak of diagnosis in their presence.  I don’t want them to feel limited.  My goal is just like all other parents.  I want the best for them.  I want them to succeed.

Because I realized that so many of us, parents of children on the spectrum, feel the same way about letting our children be children first, I started writing about our adventures and accomplishments.  Many parents just starting on this adventure do not realize all the resources and simple things they can do to help their children succeed.   My webpage and the ebooks I have written are designed to encourage parents and give information that can help them procure the best for their children.  I appreciate all of you sharing my page and ebooks in an effort to help others.   Jake and Phoebe are children first and I encourage them to Be Courageous!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Want to Help You!

Friends want to help their friends.  It’s normal.  When both friends have children on the autistic spectrum, they truly understand each other’s frustrations.  They try to help their friends that have special needs children because they know how hard finding babysitters and help during extenuating circumstances can be.  Their heart is in the right place, BUT the burden it puts on THEIR special needs children can cause some extreme behaviors.  I’ve seen moms try to help many people that have children on the spectrum in many different situations.  However, the stress on their children became so great that they had significant behavioral changes, including bedwetting, loss of sleep, and loss of appetite.

To read more, visit !

Monday, January 26, 2015

Nature in the Autistic World

If you are an early education educator you are more than aware of nature’s affect on children. The child we have bouncing off the walls miraculously appears to calm when he is taken outside.  Children love and need nature.

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Autistic Children in Public Schools: What parents need to know [Kindle Edition]

 Kindle Price: $1.49 

 This ebook is intended to assist parents in the beginning stages of diagnosis and entering public school. It addresses the screening process, IEP, and public school procedures. There is also a section on public law for special needs children's education plan. Preparation is key! Knowledge is power!

Step into the world of Autism.  Visit Autism Adventures at

Get Jumpin'!


Get Jumpin’!
One of the common traits of autism is rocking.  When my children were younger, they broke bouncy seats from rocking so hard.  I couldn’t believe how hard they would rock.  Now I know rocking is what children do to self soothe and relieve anxiety.  How could I control their rocking?  

Continued at ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

PictureBe Courageous!
Parents of children on the autistic spectrum struggle with public outings.  This book is intended to provide valuable information in starting this journey and encouraging parents to keep up their important good work. 

One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is confidence.  It takes time.  Most importantly, it takes patience.  Yes, there are those that judge our little one's behavior, but we cannot allow that to deter us from providing the experience of the great world out there.

Keep trying!  Keep doing what you do!  It's worth it!  Be courageous!

Available in ebook on for $1.49.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

The World of Autism

 The World of Autism can be overwhelming.  For those just entering, there are so many questions.  This book offers some insight and empowerment for parents beginning their adventure into the world of autism!  

Buy it now for the low cost of $1.49 at

Visit, where the journey begins.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Adventure Time! 
Everyday is an adventure in the world of autism.  Sensory challenges, both hypo and hyper, can make the simplest of activities an adventure.  Your response will dictate whether or not it is a pleasant experience.  

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